5 Reasons to Add Yoga to Your Workout Regimen Yoga is a full body workout that creates long, lean, toned muscles, as well as increased core strength and flexibility….

Kombucha – Health benefits, risks, and how to make your own. Kombucha might be considered a trendy new health drink in the West, though in truth, the fermented brew…

Easy Goat Cheese Recipe A few weeks ago I visited my new Facebook friend, Andrea Duncan, to buy some fresh, organic chicken eggs. I grew up for a good part…

Have You Been Introduced To Yoga Yet? Perhaps you’ve thought about taking a yoga class before, but venturing into a studio for the first time seems a bit intimidating, if…
Lokah Samastha, Sukinoh Bhavantu Translation: May all beings be happy and free, and may all that I do in thoughts, words, and deeds contribute to their happiness and freedom.
Aum Namah Shivaya Gurave Saccidananda Murtaye Nisprapancaya Shantaya Niralambaya Tejase Translation: I offer myself to the Light, the Auspicious Lord, who is the True Teacher, within and without, Who assumes…